Sunday, September 26, 2010

11 Laws of Health and Fitness

Last Saturday I was fortunate to attend a seminar by Tony Horton and Beachbody. We worked out, had a healthy lunch and were fortunate to be able to listen to his 11 Laws of Health and Fitness Seminar.

Hearing it in person made it extra special and motivating. Here is a scaled down version of his 11 Laws that I feel is so important to share with you.

1.  Practice the Three Cs: Be Creative, Stay Curious, and Live Committed
     Add variety to your workouts to stay fresh avoid boredom - cardio, resistance, yoga, core and sports.

2.  Consistency:  Make a plan to add workouts 5-6 days/week.
     Use persistence and patience by developing a plan and sticking to it.
     Do Your Best and Forget the Rest!

3.  Intensity
     Find the line for yourself and create a balance of going above and below that.
     Check your ego at the door to avoid injury and put on the breaks when you're ill.
4.  Purpose: What is your reason why? What will keep you coming back for more?
     Do you desire better health and vitality or do you want to improve your fitness?
     Perhaps you desire more energy and enthusiasm for life or self-esteem and confidence.
     Do you want to be healthy for your children?

5.  Reality: The truth will set you free!
     Stop living in the past, the future and for other people.
     Know the difference between the truth and fantasy for your life.
     Accept who you are today!
     Stop lying and don't let your ego ruin your life.
     Find a workout that works for you and your body type.

6.  Sport: Go outside and PLAY!
     Set a goal, take a class, sign up for a race, explore, meet new people and challenge yourself!

7.  The Plan: Create Accountability
     Plan it and you'll do it - wing it and you won't.
     Write it down, schedule workouts and get a partner.

8.  Stress and Sleep 
     Find ways to combat stress - choose wisdom and forgiveness over blame and anger.
     Focus on solutions rather than the problems.
     Write down issues before you go to bed.
     Sleep is restoring and healing.

9.  Love it...or leave it! What brings you back day after day?
     If it feels like work, then it won't work.
     Find out what you love (no matter what anyone else says) and do that!

10. Flexibility:  The Fountain of Youth
      Stretching, pilates and yoga can replenish natural flexibility and the durability of our YOUTH!

11. Food and Supplements: You are what you eat!
      Food is energy that feeds the mind, body and spirit...or not.
      Don't use pills, potions or processed foods to lose weight. Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins
      and healthy fats to maintain your health and fitness.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! I just printed it! Great Motivation! Have a great day....

getbusyliving said...

all great points. I think i am on the right path!

jillconyers said...

Thank you for sharing this Rhonda. I'm going to print it and hang it up where I plan to commit to P90X. I love "Live Committed"!

I posted pics of my marathon :)

I'll email you in the next day or so about my plans for starting P90X. I decided I needed a few days recovery before starting. Can't wait!!

ABW said...

Those are great things to keep in mind. I'm printing it too, I can really use the focus right now to get back on track.

Theresa said...

Love it! Do you mind if I re-post this on my blog? This is great stuff!

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