Monday, May 7, 2012

Week One Success

Hungry Anyone?
Here's a sampling of the delicious foods I've made during the first week of the Ultimate Reset.


Week 1: At a glance

Weight Loss: 3 pounds
Caffeine Habit: Kicked
Energy: High
Exercise: Tai Cheng and P90X2 yoga or complete rest
MoodVERY Happy
Overall:  I am thoroughly enjoying cooking these simple and absolutely delicious recipes.  I miss my hard workouts, but my body is thanking me for recovery.  I feel very light and very clean.  I love that I don't need to rely on my morning coffee addiction to start my day.  My cravings for chocolate and coffee are gone.

How to get started NOW!

The Ultimate Reset is simply amazing but I can only speak to my experience.
Check out these success stories.
I'll be starting a private accountability group for you so that you can experience this life-changing experience for yourself.  I'll save you spot, but you need to message me to be a part.

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